
Is your business protected from modern cyber threats?

Speak with one of our cybersecurity consultants about how you can secure your business and align yourselves with the Australian Government’s Essential Eight Maturity Model.

Comprehensive cybersecurity and IT management

Aus Advantage offers a comprehensive range of cybersecurity services to defend Australian businesses against modern cybersecurity threats.


Our managed IT services operate in alignment with the Australian Government’s Essential 8 maturity model and the UK Government’s Cyber Essentials Plus framework, and our cyber solutions are incorporated into every one of our managed IT plans ensuring businesses receive a multi-layered approach to security.

Book an ACSC Essential Eight Maturity Audit

Cybercrime is on the rise in Australia, and now more than ever, small and medium businesses are facing the brunt of the attacks.

The Australian Cyber Security Centre, part of the ASD, detailed in its 2022 annual report that businesses have seen a 13% increase in cybercrime from the previous financial year. Businesses also saw a rise in the average cost per cybercrime report to over $39,000 for small businesses and $88,000 for medium businesses, an average increase of 14%


The most effective means of defending against cyber threats continue to be implementing multi-layered cyber security strategies, such as the Essential Eight Maturity Model. Source:


Speak with one of our cybersecurity experts about undertaking an Essential Eight audit, or read more about the maturity model below.

If your business is consistently facing the same challenges, or if your current provider is not doing enough to address them, book a no strings attached discovery call with one of directors to find out how we can help.

Cybersecurity services at Aus Advantage

Our managed cybersecurity services include all the tools needed to protect your business from modern cybersecurity threats. We layer our tools and services to provide complete coverage from all common attack vectors, and are carefully customised to give you the around the clock protection where you need it most.

Multifactor authentication (MFA)

Sometimes called 2FA or two-factor authentication, we enable new, phishing-resistant MFA for all clients on Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace. If you have an on-premises directory service or need to extend your 2FA protection to cover traditional server or desktop access, we can talk to you about specialised solutions like DUO.

Vulnerability scanning

Vulnerability scanning is a critical process that identifies potential security weaknesses in IT infrastructure and services, including servers, networks, and applications. By conducting regular vulnerability scans, we proactively address these vulnerabilities and minimise the risk of cyber-attacks, ensuring the continued security and integrity of your systems and data.

Endpoint encryption

Endpoint encryption is the process of encoding data on devices such as laptops, desktops, and mobile phones, rendering it unreadable to unauthorized users. Implementing endpoint encryption is essential to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access, particularly if a device is lost or stolen, preserving your company’s reputation and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

Security awareness training

Security awareness training is an essential component of a robust cybersecurity strategy, as it empowers employees to recognize and respond to potential threats. Through this training, employees develop an understanding of best practices, such as password management, phishing attack recognition, and safe browsing habits. By ensuring your workforce is knowledgeable about cybersecurity, you reduce the risk of breaches due to human error and enhance the overall security posture of your organization.

Simulated phishing testing

Simulated phishing testing involves subjecting employees to realistic, fake phishing emails to assess their ability to identify and report such attempts. This proactive approach helps employees build confidence in recognizing and responding to actual phishing attacks, thereby minimizing the likelihood of falling prey to cybercriminals and reducing the chances of a security breach.

Next-gen antivirus

Next-generation antivirus software offers comprehensive protection against ever-evolving threats. Utilizing advanced techniques such as machine learning, behavioural analysis, and artificial intelligence, these solutions proactively identify and neutralize emerging malware and other cyber threats, keeping your systems and data safe from potential harm.

Spam filtering with anti-phishing

Spam filtering with anti-phishing capabilities is crucial in today’s threat landscape. By automatically identifying and blocking phishing emails, these filters significantly reduce the chances of employees inadvertently clicking on malicious links or divulging sensitive information to cybercriminals, thereby minimizing the risk of a breach.

DNS threat protection

DNS threat protection secures your organization’s domain name system against malicious activities, such as cache poisoning or distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. By ensuring the integrity and availability of your online services, you maintain trust with customers and partners while safeguarding your digital assets.

Web content filtering

Web content filtering provides a safe browsing environment for your employees by restricting access to potentially harmful or inappropriate websites. This approach minimizes the risk of malware infections and helps maintain productivity by eliminating distractions and preventing inadvertent exposure to security risks.

Domain reputation monitoring

Domain reputation monitoring through DKIM, SPF, and DMARC protocols is essential for safeguarding your organization’s email communications. By verifying the authenticity of emails sent from your domain, you reduce the risk of phishing attacks and email spoofing, which can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive information and damaged reputation.

Dark web and identity theft monitoring

Dark web and identity theft monitoring services help identify compromised credentials, such as stolen usernames or passwords, before cybercriminals can exploit them. By proactively addressing potential security risks, you can prevent unauthorized account access, data breaches, and identity theft.

Document protection

Implementing document protection solutions for collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams, Google Drive, Slack, Dropbox, and Box is vital for ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your sensitive data. By controlling access and preventing unauthorized users from viewing or modifying documents, you minimize the risk of data leakage and maintain compliance with industry regulations.

Application control

Application control helps safeguard your organization’s digital assets by ensuring that only trusted applications run on company devices. By preventing unauthorized software and mitigating potential vulnerabilities, you maintain a secure IT environment and reduce the risk of cyberattacks.

Penetration testing

Penetration testing is a critical component of maintaining a strong security posture. By simulating cyberattacks on your systems, you can identify and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors. This proactive approach to security helps safeguard your organization’s sensitive data and ensures compliance with industry regulations.

Managed SIEM and SOC

Managed SIEM and SOC services provide continuous monitoring, threat detection, and incident response, ensuring a proactive approach to your organization’s cybersecurity. By employing a team of experts to monitor and manage your security infrastructure, you can quickly identify and address potential threats, minimizing the impact of breaches and protecting your valuable assets.